Serving the Western Suburbs of Melbourne since 1856, the library is part of the Mechanics' Institute movement dedicated to providing working people
with education, entertainment and social inclusion.
Situated in its present building in the heart of Footscray since 1913, the library is here for the benefit of members, providing book loans, access to Billiards Room at members' special rates, use of Reading Room, including free wifi for members, and meeting room bookings.
New members are always welcome. Contact us for more info.
You can find our Library Catalogue on the top toolbar,
to explore the books for loan to members from our FMI Library collection.
Artwork created by FMI Committee Life Member Mr Douglas Clymo.
(c) Doug Clymo 2008
Opening Hours
FMI Members: Mon-Fri 10am-4pm
Members can visit and borrow books 5 days per week now!
For new membership applications, please visit the library Weds-Fri 10am-4pm
Annual subscription membership fees / renewals due March 1st - $10 p.a.
New Memberships welcome - see "How to Join the FMI" page for more details,
or call us on (03) 9687 1935
Email enquiries also welcome "info@fmi.org.au"